Friday, May 12, 2017

8 weeks

Week 8 has been one of the best. My tummy has started to bloat which makes me happy that there is some evidence that I'm still pregnant. 

My nausea hasn't stopped and if I don't eat when I feel hungry I am guaranteed a trip to the toilet to vomit. 

I am not experiencing any cravings or food aversions which is a blessing. 

Only 20 more days till we have our 12 week scan and we can know for sure that babe is doing well. 

As you can see from the image below I do have a bit of a tummy now which is hard and never used to be so big, I'm eating relatively healthy. I have raw carrots, cucumber and tomatoes every day. I can't eat a full meal like I used to so I doubt I would have put on much weight to make my belly this big. I did read that on your second pregnancy you show sooner than the last so I'm hoping this is a good sign. I honestly do not think I could go through another miscarriage and D&C. 

8 Weeks, 4 days baby bump.